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We are struggling to find candidates and need a structured interview process. Where should we start?You should consider a Human Capital Management (HCM) system that allows you to post positions on several job boards and your website. Identify at least one person in your company to be the gatekeeper for recruiting. Contract with an outside recruiter to help with challenging positions. Focus your searches on passive candidates AND get your employees recruiting for you with an Employee Referral Program. The key to a successful interview process is consistency, using behavioral questions, and limiting the 'rabbit holes' for efficiency. Make sure you have the right people conducting interviews.
We tend to hire without a plan, what do you recommend?Create an onboarding checklist and a one-week agenda for each new hire. Welcome new hires in advance before their first day. Be prepared!
How do we promote an employee and convert from hourly to salary because they are doing a good job?Be careful of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) regulations. An employee must pass a duties test (administrative duties test for most positions) to be exempt. To qualify for exempt status, all of the following tests must be met: The employee must be compensated on a salary or fee basis (as defined in the regulations) at a rate not less than $684 per week. The employee's primary duty must be the performance of office or non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or the employer's customers. The employee's primary duty includes the exercise of discretion and independent judgment concerning matters of significance.
We feel our salary structure is competitive, but we hear grumblings from the team. What can we do to make changes?Conduct a salary analysis. Gather salary intel on your competition. Utilize the internet for salary data. Assess salary surveys in the construction industry. Review your company budget and modify salaries to be competitive.
We feel our benefits are best-in-class, but how do we assess them based on industry standards?The first step is identifying a benefits broker offering robust services, good customer service, and a competitive price. Your benefits broker has access to market data to help you develop a best-in-class benefits package. Budget for new benefit offerings. Automate your open enrollment with a benefits platform. A Human Capital Management (HCM) system offers a benefits module. All vendor enrollment data is file-fed through the platform, paperless, and hassle-free.
Our team feels stagnant. How can we get them to see a clear path forward for advancement?The first step is to conduct an annual employee engagement survey to understand how your employees feel about the company, culture, and benefits. Track and trend this data and elevate repetitive responses to senior leadership for actionable steps to address. Before employees leave your company, conduct stay interviews. And when employees leave, conduct exit interviews. Identify trends in the data and address them promptly.
How do we get our team to complete performance reviews timely?Ongoing feedback is critical for employee success. Performance management is a challenge, but it doesn't have to be! Create an annual evaluation review that doesn't take more than 30 minutes to complete and brief bi-annual or quarterly check-ins that don't take more than 15 minutes. Meet at least quarterly with your direct reports. Automate performance management with a Human Capital Management (HCM) system. Hold your managers accountable by rating their performance on accurate and timely evaluations.
Conflict management is more like conflict avoidance. How do we manage employee relations?Patrick Lencioni describes how to build a cohesive team in his book, The Advantage. To have healthy conflict, you have to build trust within your team. When there is truth, conflict becomes the pursuit of truth, an attempt to find the best possible solution. Plan team-building activities and regular 1:1s with your direct reports to develop trust.
How can we foster a culture fueled with commitment and accountability?First, you must commit. Have robust discussions, and everyone must weigh in, agree and commit or disagree and commit. Peer-to-peer accountability is the most successful form of accountability.
Retention needs to be higher. We can't keep talent. How do we assess the problem?There is a lot to unpack with low retention. Are you putting your best foot forward during orientation and the onboarding process? Do you have a performance management strategy that provides ongoing feedback at least quarterly? Are you showing a career path and providing a training program for growth and development? Do you offer best-in-class benefits and compensation packages? Improving retention requires a strategic approach to all HR functions.
Our workforce is disengaged, and our culture is suffering. How do we move forward?Conduct an employee engagement survey annually. You can modify the Gallup 12 survey questions for your business. Track and trend the results, identify 3-5 action items to improve your culture, discuss with senior leadership for review and buy-in, and implement positive change.
Federal and state regulations are changing rapidly. How do we keep track of all these changes?Federal and state regulations apply to businesses based on size and jurisdiction. Here's a brief snapshot of some Federal regulations. 11 or more employees – OSHA Recordkeeping 15 or more employees – Americans with Disabilities Act, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, Pregnancy Discrimination Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 20 or more employees – Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 50 or more employees – Affordable Care Act, Family, and Medical Leave Act 100 or more employees – EEO-1 Reporting Employment lawyers, such as Baker Donelson and Miles and Stockbridge, conduct annual employment law reviews at no charge. These are extremely valuable to help your company comply with federal and state regulations.
Why do we need a 1-3-10-year vision?A 1-3-10 year vision provides the leadership team and employees with direction for profitable growth. Develop core values, design a current and future state organization structure, identify themes, goals, and rocks, and track weekly metrics. Having playbooks on how you get work, do work, and get paid is also essential.
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